To be the leading retail brand shaping the industry worldwide, inspired by a spirit of continuous improvement in the mother and baby sector.

To ensure continuity as the consumer's first choice with service and product quality.

To leave a more sustainable world to future generations, respecting the environment and life values with sustainable energy investments.


To meet all the needs of mothers and babies from before birth up to 4 years old with quality products, a friendly team, high service standards, competitive prices, expert knowledge, and after-sales support available 24/7.


As ebebek Retailing Inc., we operate as a leading company in our sector with our barents, employees, suppliers, and partners and adopt high-quality standards.

  • To increase the effectiveness of the system with a sustainable service approach within the framework of international ISO-9001 Quality Management System standards and regulations, and to ensure continuous improvement.
  • To achieve company and unit goals within the team spirit based on the total quality philosophy.
  • To ensure compliance with all national and international regulations applicable to our organisation's national and international activities.
  • To act as a company that fulfils its obligations to the state, financial institutions, and suppliers accurately and on time, and to provide sustainable growth and profitability to our partners.
  • To meet the expectations of mothers and fathers with a barent-focused service approach and to ensure that their satisfaction is maintained at the highest level.
  • To prioritise achieving the highest performance in all our processes by considering the satisfaction of our employees, empowering them, and supporting their continuous development.
  • To avoid waste by emphasising the efficient use of societal resources in order to exist in the global market.
  • To believe in achieving growth together by embracing the philosophy of mutual benefit with our supplier partners.

We prioritise these issues and declare and pledge that they fall under the responsibility of our company.