Breastfeeding Guide
Breast Milk: A single drop, countless benefits
Breast milk - the most precious, the most special legacy you may leave to your baby… Breast milk, which alone perfectly meets the baby's physiological and psychosocial needs for the first six months after birth, plays a significant role in establishing the bond between mother and baby. Only breastfeeding for the first six months, continuing breastfeeding along with complementary foods after six months, and sustaining breastfeeding until the age of two provides countless benefits for the baby.
The benefits of breastfeeding extend beyond the breastfeeding period and have significant positive effects on long-term health. Therefore, the importance of breastfeeding as a basis for a healthy life is undeniable.
Breastfeeding is beneficial not only for the baby but also for the mother. It is a delightful journey in which both the mother and the baby will learn together.
During this period, every mother needs support. So, we have prepared a guide that will assist you during this process. In this guide, you will find answers to all the questions in your mind!
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A drop of miracle: Breast milk
The benefits of breastfeeding
Preparation for breastfeeding
Right positions for breastfeeding
Frequency of newborn breastfeeding
How to understand the sufficiency of breast milk
Nutrition in the breastfeeding period
How to increase breast milk
Breast milk-boosting smoothie recipes
Food should be avoided throughout breastfeeding
How to preserve breast milk
Frequently encountered problems in breastfeeding and the solutions
Stages of ablactation
1. A Drop of Miracle: Breast Milk
We know for sure that you understand even a single drop of breast milk is a miracle for your little one. Let's examine together the content of this miracle.
Breast milk is a unique nourishment that contains all the essential nutrients such as energy, protein, fat, carbohydrates, and other necessary ones, which enhance babies’ growth and development. It is rich in bioavailability and easy to digest. Therefore, the most ideal nutrition for a newborn is breast milk. Only breastfeeding for the first 6 months and continuing breastfeeding along with complementary foods after the 6th month provide numerous benefits for the baby.
Breast Milk Ingredients
Directly after birth, the breast milk within the first 1-5 days is called colostrum. It has a yellowish colour and contains high amounts of protein.
Rich in content of protein, fat-soluble vitamins, minerals, and antibodies that protect the baby from bacterial and viral illnesses.
Cleans the meconium (the first poop) up.
Helps to prevent jaundice.
Protects the baby against microorganisms from external factors.
Guards the baby from infections and allergies with its antibody content.
The content of the breast milk varies according to your baby's needs.
Every mother's milk is unique to their baby. Depending on factors such as whether your baby is born early or late, their weight, the amount of fat and protein their digestive system can tolerate, and even the specific amounts of which protein and fat they require, breast milk can undergo miraculous changes.
2. The Benefits of Breastfeeding
Benefits of breastfeeding for the baby
Reduces the risk of acute and chronic illnesses in terms of health.
Strengthens the immune system.
Enhances the mother-and-baby relationship.
Promotes emotional, physical, and intellectual development.
Effects jaw and dental development positively.
Facilitates the maturation of growth factors, organs, and tissues.
Benefits of breastfeeding for the mother
Reduces the risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer and endometrial cancer.
Protects against future risk of bone loss (osteoporosis).
Protect from excessive blood loss and anaemia.
Eases weight loss.
The uterus enlarges during pregnancy and requires a miracle to become smaller, which is breastfeeding. The oxytocin hormone is released during breastfeeding, which causes contractions in the smooth muscles, and helps to uterine become smaller again.
Stores and quickly replenishes iron in the body that is lost during birth.
The Magical Bond
Breastfeeding is not only about feeding the baby. It is the key to strengthening the bond between the mother and the baby. It is crucial for the baby to feel secure and perceive the presence of the mother. Therefore, while breastfeeding, the mother should make eye contact with the baby.
Throughout breastfeeding, touch and maintain your eye contact with your baby, focusing solely on them. You should be calm, relaxed, peaceful, and happy throughout breastfeeding.
3. Preparation for Breastfeeding
Before breastfeeding;
Wash your hands.
Clean the nipple.
Sit down in a comfortable place where you can support your back.
Make sure that your environment is clean and warm enough.
Put your baby’s head face on you.
Place your baby’s head into the inner side of your arm.
Make eye contact with your baby.
While breastfeeding,
First, hold your breast with your hand. Then, without touching the areola (brown area around the nipple), gently touch the nipple to the baby's lips.
Then, place the nipple and the areola into the baby's mouth.
Make sure that there is no gap between the baby's chin and the breast. With this technique, the nipple receptors are stimulated and milk is increased.
Wait until the baby leaves the breast by themselves.
If the baby falls asleep while feeding, wake them by touching their cheek with your nipple.
4. Right Positions for Breastfeeding
The recommended breastfeeding techniques that you can enjoy, and both you and your baby feel comfortable as follows;
Cuddle Position (Cradle Position):
This one is the most well-known breastfeeding position which is also called the “cradle position” because of the way the mother holds the baby.
In order to experience the cuddle position;
Sit in a place where you can lean your back on.
If possible, put an item under your feet so that it can raise your feet off the ground. Thus, your baby can stand closer to your chest when they are in your arms.
Lean the baby on your arm on whichever side of the breast you will feed.
Support the baby's back and butt with the arm and hand you are holding your baby.
With the other hand you don’t use, ensure a good latch (how the baby fastens onto the breast).
Do not bend over the baby as their face and body are facing on you.
You can put a pillow under the baby to prevent bending over them.
However, this position is more suitable for mothers who have had vaginal delivery. For mothers with abdominal delivery, this technique may not be an ideal choice. Because in the cuddle position, the baby can put pressure on the sutures which may cause pain for mothers.
Also, on the other hand, this leads the baby to use their neck muscles to reach the breast. However, newborn babies may have difficulty in this position for the first 1-1.5 months because their muscles are not strong enough yet. Therefore, it is recommended to try the other techniques until your abdominal delivery sutures heal and your baby's neck muscles develop.
Reversed Cuddle Position (Cross-cradle Position):
This position is similar to the cuddle one as the mother’s posture is the same as the cuddle position. This one is called the “cross cradle position” because of the way the mother holds the baby.
In order to experience the reversed cuddle position;
Grasp the baby with the arm on the opposite of whichever side of the breast you will feed.
Support the baby’s head with your hand.
Hold your baby in a way that they are facing on you and their stomach is aligned with yours.
Support the baby's back with the inner part of your arm, while supporting their neck and head with your hand and fingers.
With the other hand you don’t use, ensure a good latch.
This position is the most ideal one for newborns and babies who have difficulty in moving their heads closer to the breast. With this technique, you won’t need to bend down since your baby's head stands closer to the breast with the support of your hand.
Side-lying Position:
This one is ideal for mothers with abdominal delivery or exhaustion.
In order to experience the side-lying position;
Lie on a bed or a long sofa sideway.
Lie down on the side of the breast you will feed the baby. Thus, your baby can stand closer and reach your breast more easily.
Put the baby to bed in a way they are facing on you and sideways.
Support the baby’s head with your other arm, or you can use a pillow to support them.
This technique can also be applied by supporting your baby's head and back with your arm under, while you are standing in a semi-lying position by supporting your back with a pillow.
Armpit Position:
This technique is one of the preferences of mothers with abdominal delivery. It is also suitable for breastfeeding a premature baby.
In order to experience the armpit position;
Sit on a sofa or chair.
Take the baby under your arm by bending it from the elbow, and support your baby's back with a pillow.
Hold your baby at your waist level with their face is facing on you.
Support the baby's head with the palm of your hand, while grasping your breast with the other one.
In this way, your baby won’t press your stomach as they lie down with their feet behind.
Also, this method is the most suitable position for mothers who have twins as it allows you to breastfeed two babies at the same time.
Here is a suggestion for you!
Whether at home or outside, whenever and wherever you need to breastfeed your baby, the nursing pillow will be there for you! With its ergonomic design, you can breastfeed your baby comfortably for as long as you want and without getting tired.
Benefits of the Nursing Pillow
Helps your baby to settle in the right breastfeeding position.
When you breastfeed your baby with the correct techniques, you will experience fewer problems like vomiting or taking the milk out.
Thanks to the breastfeeding pillow's height, you don't need to lean over your baby to provide a good latch and breastfeed properly.
5. Frequency of Newborn Breastfeeding
In the first 2-3 days after birth, breast milk may be insufficient. It reaches 700-800 ml per day around 4-6 months. As the baby is getting nursed, receptors on the nipple are stimulated and the breast milk increases. Therefore, the baby should be breastfed frequently. Assuming the baby's discomfort is due to breast milk negatively affects milk production.
For the first week, a baby's stomach capacity is even smaller than a teacup. Hence, babies should be breastfed 8-12 times a day or whenever they cry.
It is recommended to breastfeed babies from each breast for about 20 minutes each time. If the baby is full up with one breast, feed your baby with the other one first at the next breastfeeding.
The stomach capacity of a one-month-old baby is 125-150 ml and needs breastfeeding 6-10 times a day.
The stomach capacity of a three-month-old baby is 150-180 ml and needs breastfeeding 4-8 times a day.
The stomach capacity of a six-month-old baby is 180-210 ml and needs breastfeeding 6-10 times a day.
6. How to Understand the Sufficiency of Breast Milk
The most reliable way to determine whether breast milk is sufficient is by following the baby's weight gain.
If the baby has gained 500 grams in weight by the time they are 20 days old, we can understand that breast milk is sufficient.
Please consider that newborns lose around 7% of their weight in the first week. This should not be interpreted as a sign of insufficient breast milk.
An average weight gain of 500 grams per month is normal for a baby aged 0 to 6 months.
An average weight gain of 125 grams per week is normal for a baby aged 0 to 6 months.
7. Nutrition in the Breastfeeding Period
For the baby's mental and physical development, and to prevent the mother from using her own vitamin and mineral store, nutrition during the breastfeeding period is crucial. On the other hand, we attach great importance to mothers' nutrition, dietary habits, and routines during this period since each nutrition consumed by the mother directly affects their baby through breast milk.
So, how should breastfeeding mothers eat? What kind of routine should they establish? Which foods should they avoid? And which foods should they benefit from to increase breast milk? ebebek's Nutrition and Diet Specialist Team explain every detail for you.
Breastfeeding mothers burn 600-700 calories during the day. It’s pretty important to fill this energy gap with foods that have high nutritional value. First and foremost, you should establish a dietary routine and plan your meals. Throughout the day, you should consume 3 main meals and 3-4 snacks.
The dietary routine during the breastfeeding period is vital for keeping the blood glucose value balanced. Especially recently postpartum mothers spend a significant portion of their energy on taking care of their baby.
Start your day with a nourishing breakfast that will enhance your immune system and boost energy. Do not skip to have a snack between breakfast and lunch. Snacks are like safety belts during the breastfeeding period. Especially between lunch and dinner is a critical time slot. During this time, you can have two snacks, one at around 2:30 AM and the other at 4:30 PM.
If you skip your snacks, you will start to feel weak as your blood glucose value decreases. Also, you'll end up overeating at dinner because of excessive hunger, which is an undesirable situation.
Starting your meals with soup not only supports fluid intake but also prevents a decrease in your milk. It restricts calorie intake as well. Therefore, we recommend beginning your meals with having soup.
8. How to Increase Breast Milk
The most critical and effective way to increase breast milk is through fluid intake, which is water above all. Try to consume at least 10-12 glasses of water throughout the day.
You can enhance your fluid intake with sources rich in calcium and protein like buttermilk drink, kephir and milk.
Fennel is also both an excellent milk booster and a natural antiflatulent. You can safely consume fennel tea during the breastfeeding period. You can consume malts and sugar-free compotes as well.
Other Breast Milk Boosting Foods:
Vegetables with dark green leaves
Seeds of fenugreek plant
Dark sesame
During this period, embrace the foods that boost breast milk and remember that stress also affects the quantity and quality of your milk. So, do not fall into negative thoughts. Let's radiate positive energy so that it returns to us beautifully. Isn't that right?
A Small Suggestion!
Here is a recommendation that will support both your fluid and vitamin-mineral intake during the breastfeeding period.
Promalt non-alcoholic malt beverage meets your increased nutritional and energy needs with its content and helps to increase your milk by enhancing the fluid intake. Additionally, it provides your body with a completely natural source of B-vitamin complex.
One more suggestion too!
Another drink that will support your fluid intake is Vitamom's!
Thanks to its high nutritional value, it's a great alternative to acidic and sugary drinks. It doesn't contain elements that can threaten maternal and infant health like acids, synthetic sweeteners, caffeine, etc.
A vitamin and flavour-packed support from ebebek to breastfeeding mothers!
9. Breast Milk-boosting Smoothie Recipes
Purple Smoothie
3 tablespoons of oatmeal
Half of a frozen banana
A handful of blackberries
4 leaves of garden rocket
1 piece of clove
200 ml kephir
How to prepare: Blend all the ingredients until it is smooth, and enjoy!
Sweet Smoothie
A coffee spoon of tahini
A half apple
A water glass of lactose-free milk
Half of a frozen banana
A handful of pumpkin seeds
A coffee spoon of carob powder
2 tablespoons of oatmeal
How to prepare: Blend all the ingredients until it is smooth, and enjoy!
Bonus: Breast Milk-boosting Semolina Dessert!
A packet of goat milk biscuits
50 gr butter
One litre of milk
15 tablespoons of semolina
3 tablespoons of honey
3 tablespoons of curd cheese
For the top:
Dried apricot
Dried fig
Dried grape
How to prepare:
Break up goat milk biscuits into small pieces by hand or in a food processor. Add melted butter and mix.
Put it into a springform or inserted-bottom cake tin and press with your hand.
Cook the milk, semolina, and curd cheese by mixing them consistently.
Once the semolina pudding is no longer piping hot, add honey and mix it.
Pour the semolina pudding over the biscuits. Sprinkle dried apricots, dried figs, dried grapes, hazelnuts, and walnuts over the pudding. Finally, dust some cinnamon and keep it in the fridge for a night.
Slice the cooled-down dessert and enjoy!
10. Food Should be Avoided Throughout Breastfeeding
We have mentioned that everything breastfeeding mothers consume directly affects their breast milk and so, their baby. Therefore, there are some foods that need to be avoided during this period. Let’s see what they are!
Green Tea (Due to its caffeine content, it is not recommended as it may affect the baby's sleep quality.)
Coffee (Due to its caffeine content, it is not recommended as it may affect the baby's sleep quality.)
Gas pains are a common issue during the breastfeeding period. To avoid gas problems while breastfeeding, you need to pay attention to certain foods you consume. However, there are some points you should consider before that.
Gas problems can also occur during mid-season and extremely cold weather. Try to maintain your body temperature balanced as much as possible. Even for the water consumption, try not to consume it too cold as anything cold has a flatulent effect.
First 10 Days of Breastfeeding;
Raw vegetables have not only milk-increasing features but also gas-inducing effects on the other hand. Therefore, especially during the first months, vegetables should be preferred cooked.
You should consume the milk in the form of pudding for the first 10 days.
As fruits may cause gas problems during the first 10 days of breastfeeding, you should consume them as a sugar-free compote.
Legumes should not be consumed in the first 10 days. Especially legume soups are more likely to cause gas.
During the breastfeeding period, onions, garlic, broccoli, zucchini, cauliflower, and spicy spices should be avoided as they can cause gas and their aroma can change the taste of breast milk.
Another point to consider during this period is caffeine consumption. Consuming caffeine directly affects your baby, affecting both their sleep quality and potentially leading to reflux-related problems in the future.
11. How to Preserve Breast Milk
The correct storage of expressed breast milk is extremely important and requires great attention. To preserve breast milk, you need a sterilized container or milk storage bag. You should measure its use by date by starting from the date and time when the breast milk was expressed.
Expressed breast milk can be preserved;
for 3 hours at room temperature,
for 3 days in the fridge,
for 3 months in the deep freezer.
12. Frequently Encountered Problems in Breastfeeding and The Solutions
Improper breastfeeding techniques can lead to certain issues for the mother. Let’s examine these problems and how to take precautions, prepared by consulting a pregnancy instructor and breastfeeding expert.
Cracked Nipples
One of the primary problems encountered during breastfeeding is cracked nipples. Normally, breastfeeding isn't painful, but some mothers might experience a slight sensitivity in their nipples for the first days but heal quickly. In certain cases, however, improper latch by the baby can lead to sensitivity in nipples first, and then cracks.
Cracked nipples can occur around the nipples, in a way that horizontal lines on the nipple or on the areola. In situations where active breastfeeding doesn’t occur, milk accumulation starts and bacterial infection through the cracks can result in breast inflammation and abscesses. In this case, emptying the breast by completely expressing the milk, and allowing it to air out is crucial for fast healing.
Right breastfeeding positions, cleaning the breast only twice a day with boiled lukewarm water, leaving the last breast milk around the nipple (dry wound healing method), or using medically purified lanoline (wet wound healing method) can be beneficial for the cracked nipples recovery.
Sore Nipple
If the baby cannot fasten onto the breast correctly and sucks the nipple only, it can lead to pain. For proper breastfeeding, the baby needs to grasp the entire area around the nipple, which is the areola.
The baby cries frequently and wants to get breastfed but the mother can avoid breastfeeding due to pain. This can turn into a vicious cycle. To prevent this, the mother needs to learn the correct breastfeeding methods and should wait for the baby to naturally leave the breast at the end of the feeding instead of forcing it.
Swelling and Milk Accumulation
When milk remains in a part of the breast, named as lactiferous duct, it's referred to as milk accumulation. If the swelling in the breast doesn't decrease or disappear within 48 hours, it's important to seek assistance from a breastfeeding consultant or a healthcare professional. Otherwise, unemptied ducts can lead to abscession and as it increases, blocked ducts and breast inflammation may occur. Right breastfeeding positions and frequent nursing can help prevent swelling.
On the other hand, milk accumulation in the breast may occur sometimes due to the blockage of one or more of the lactiferous ducts where milk is collected. The reasons for this situation may be excessive milk production, delay in breastfeeding, incorrect positioning, inadequate milk emptying, or keeping breastfeeding durations short. To prevent duct blockage, it's crucial to begin breastfeeding right after the birth and ensure the baby grasps the breast correctly.
Breast Inflammation (Mastitis)
If bacteria enter through a blocked lactiferous duct, the breast tissue becomes infected. In an infected breast, firm lumps, intense pain, reddening, and fever can develop.
A decrease in breast milk due to insufficient, infrequent, and short-duration breastfeeding of the baby and trauma on the breasts due to any impact or hitting may cause infecting bacteria through cracked nipples.
If breast milk remains in a part of the breast, milk stasis (milk accumulation) occurs. If this milk is not emptied, it can lead to inflammation in the breast tissue, which is called non-infectious mastitis. On the other hand, the breast tissue can become infected by bacteria easily entering from the open area of the nipple, leading to infectious mastitis this time.
The basis of treatment for this is to expedite milk flow, frequent breastfeeding, a gentle massage towards the nipple, and the healing of breast inflammation through a warm dressing and expressing the breast milk.
13. Stages of Ablactation
When is the ideal time for ablactation?
The foremost advice from experts regarding infant nutrition is to exclusively breastfeed for the first 6 months, and then continue breastfeeding with complementary foods until the age of 2. However, every baby's habits and biological structures are unique, and so are breastfeeding mothers’ situations as well.
There is no specific timeframe to quit breastfeeding your little one, unless there are special circumstances or health issues. Making definite statements like “It should be abandoned at this age.” or “It must be continued until this time.” is not accurate. Some babies may naturally wean themselves from the breast, while others may have a stronger attachment and take longer to quit. You need to determine the best time when both you and your baby are ready for this transition.
When is it inappropriate?
There is no ideal or definite time to wean a baby from breastfeeding but there are some conditions where implementing this change may not be very suitable. When you get out of the daily routine that children are accustomed to, the possibility of encountering certain problems increases. For example, it is not expected for a 15-month-old who breastfeeds four times a day to suddenly stop nursing altogether. Getting used to this new situation will take some time. Also, weaning, which is a significant change for the baby, can be much more challenging when it coincides with other changes, and may even lead to attachment and trust issues. Therefore, you may consider trying another period that won't cause stress and unrest in your baby’s life, if;
your baby has just started nursery,
there is a job change that will closely affect their routine,
you are moving out of the house,
you are about to go on a long and unsettling journey together,
you plan to try weaning in a foreign location and environment out of home,
your baby is ill or going through teething.
Methods for Ablactation Period
You've come to the conclusion that it's time, and you feel that both your baby and yourself are ready for this transition phase. However, as all mothers experiencing these feelings, the primary question on your mind is how to wean a baby from breastfeeding.
You might consider trying to separate your baby from the breast abruptly, hoping that they can adapt quickly to this new situation. However, this attitude can be quite traumatic for them, while equally distressing for you as well. Such rapid changes can lead to excessive temper, crying fits, sleep problems, and characteristic changes in babies. Therefore, you can try different methods to wean.
Firstly, during the period when you make this decision, you may consider how often and at what times your little one breastfeeds throughout the day. The weaning process for a baby who breastfeeds 4 or 5 times a day can be done gradually. After identifying your breastfeeding times, you can determine the feeding session that you can most easily eliminate and put an end to breastfeeding during that time. During this initial phase of weaning, you can try to engage your baby in different activities to keep them occupied. Gradually progress by attempting to skip one feeding period at a time, reducing from 5 times a day to 4 times, and then, once they've adjusted (the duration may vary for each baby but consider an average of 4-5 days, or a week), down to 3 times, and eventually 2 times. Also, gradually shortening the breastfeeding durations will be quite helpful during the weaning process and will facilitate a smoother transition.
Tips for the Weaning Process
(Suggestions for Mums)
While some babies easily adapt, others can show much more resistance than you expected during this period. By implementing a few simple tips, you can help your baby and yourself lead the weaning phase in a much smoother manner.
Start by quitting breastfeeding from the feeding time you believe your baby will adjust to the easiest.
Seek support from your surroundings; ask your partner, mother, or caregiver to assist in calming them.
Try completing the missed breastfeeding duration with light supplementary foods.
Engage in activities throughout the day that will entertain your baby and help them spend their energy. For example, play games, go to the park, sing and dance!
If you've tried everything but haven't been successful yet, remember that it may not be the right time for your little one, and try again later.
Weaning a baby can lead to an emotional gap for you as a mother. It’s pretty normal as breastfeeding is the most special and intimate moment between you and your baby. You can try to fill this emotional gap with different alternatives.
Remember that each baby’s reactions will vary during this period. The most important task for mothers is to be as patient as possible and make their babies feel that their mums will always be there for them.
14. Breastfeeding FAQs
Question 1: How to increase my breast milk?
Answer: The most effective and crucial way to increase breast milk is through fluid intake, which is water above all. Please try to drink at least 10-12 glasses of water throughout the day. To enhance fluid intake, benefit from calcium sources like milk, buttermilk drink, and kephir. In addition to fluids, foods that increase breast milk include oats, dill, black sesame, fennel, and rice of wheat grains.
Question 2: When can breastfeeding mothers start a diet?
Answer: The breastfeeding period is quite advantageous for weight loss as breastfeeding mothers burn around 600-700 calories per day only by breastfeeding. Indeed, they do one of the most strenuous exercises. Therefore, if they turn this period to their advantage and eat healthily by consuming foods that not only boost milk production but also support fat burning, they can regain their pre-pregnancy body. So, breastfeeding mothers can start a diet accompanied by a nutrition and diet specialist and personalized meal plans, approximately two months after giving birth.
Question 3: Is it safe to drink green tea during the breastfeeding period?
Answer: During breastfeeding, everything a mother consumes passes into their milk and directly affects their baby. Green tea, due to its caffeine content, is not recommended during this period as it can affect the quality of the baby's sleep.
Question 4: My breast milk is sometimes very intense but sometimes thin. Is this normal?
Answer: Breast milk is a living liquid. Its content differs according to your baby's all kinds of needs such as premature birth, illness, etc. Thus, its texture and colour also change depending on its content. The fact that it can sometimes be thin or oily may be related to your diet as well. During the breastfeeding period, you should avoid unnecessary calorie sources and consume rich food sources.
Question 5: When should I start breastfeeding my baby after giving birth?
Answer: You should breastfeed your baby within the first half-hour right after birth. Milk production begins immediately after birth and as the baby nurses, milk production increases.
Question 6: Does the mother's mental state affect breast milk?
Answer: When there are issues with milk production and intake, it's essential to first identify the cause and then find an appropriate solution. Since the most common reasons often relate to the mother's mental state and breastfeeding techniques, it's important to help the mother relax by communicating with them. Additionally, ensuring the milk is expressed regularly and completely with technical support, and handling if any underlying medical issues available, typically solves the problem without the need for nutritional support in most cases.
Question 7: Is there a low-quality breast milk?
Answer: Every mother's milk is of high quality and specially tailored for their baby. It adapts and changes according to the baby's needs. This means that there is no low-quality breast milk, but there are some ways to enhance the quality of breast milk by healthy nourishment. You can further improve the quality of your breast milk if you do not skip your meals and take your daily calories by consuming nutritious foods.
The shared treasure of the mother and baby: Breast Milk
For one more drop…